Saturday, 16 May 2009

A tale etched in blood and hard black pencil. Christopher Brookmyre

My third read from the word-wizz mr Brookmyre.
The story spans from first day of school to 30 some thing's following and jumping back and forth between a dussin names and bad habits. Everything from jockeying each other in class to how they relate to each other (or not) when they meet again because of a murder. A good read and thank god, the man put in a glossary for us non-Irish in the back to explain mouthwatering words such as

Baw = A spherical Object.

Birling = motion inclined to induce disorientation

Blooter = A hearty and full-blooded strike (footie speak in Irish i guess) See also lamp, scud, skelp , stoat.

Brammer = An impressive specimen

Brer =male sibling

my personal favourites beeing:
diddies= Protruberant milk-producing glandular organs situated on the chest of the human female and certain other mammals. See also Greenock morton FC (how beutifully put!)

Eejit = One not blessed with ample intelligence. See Old Firm supporters

The list goes on for 9 pages, and is just as fun as the actual book... And the swede in me jumps for joy, getting a accurate (if outdated, supposedly these words were used on the school grounds in the 70 I guess.. meaning if I ever dare use them with my faulty pronunciation I'd be laughed out of the pub.. oh well) idea of how to understand Irish. Not a mean feat. As always Mr Brookmyre puts a grin on my face at every 3rd or 5th page (there are some serious bits in there too, don't worry, its not a Disney story) with his sharp whit and engaging cussing and cursing (all the more charming in Irish dialects) My only problem being that the story spans over 20 people. With quite quick jumps back and forth through the story. And me.. being who I am, having serious trouble remembering my own name at times, get a bit confused. But that being my problem. I'll just have to stack up on post-it's the next time I pick this one up.


  1. Turn about is fair play. I came to see what your blog is all about.

    I must read "All Fun And Games Until Somebody Loses An Eye"
